About Lisa and Ivo
About Lisa
Lisa’s spiritual journey began in the late 1970s after the death of her mother. Searching for answers, she found information about death, afterlife and reincarnation very comfortable. In the following years, she focused on her own spiritual growth recognizing her true nature as a spiritual being, sensing and acknowledging the presence of her spiritual helpers.
In 1989 Lisa was involved in an airplane accident and was physically injured. Although her injuries were not life threatening, the incident surely was. After a period of healing and feeling lost, she found her way as her spirituality and clairvoyance surfaced.
Lisa’s work with Ivo began in 1992. She quickly discovered the importance of her role, to share Ivo’s information as purely and clearly as possible. Through Ivo, she has learned each human has profound lessons and great contributions here on earth.
Lisa is thankful to Ivo and everyone who has shared in her journey. It is her deepest desire to support as she has been supported.
For that which has been,
be thankful.
For that which is to come,
be hopeful.
A good measure of pleasure
is indeed your due.
Enjoy wholeheartedly.
About Ivo
Ivo is a highly evolved spiritual being assisting humankind. He relates to each individual in a distinct and unique manner. He can come across as quite proper and polite or his messages may be delivered with gentle encouragement. To some, he is bossy and to Lisa’s delight he is often quite funny. With all, Ivo’s intention is to support each individual in living their best life while supporting the highest good of all.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ivo
Has Ivo been on earth before?
Yes. Ivo’s most recent human life ended in the early 1300’s at the age of 49.
How can working with Ivo benefit me if we aren’t physically together?
Lisa’s connection is with Ivo. Ivo’s connection is with you and Lisa. Ivo does not exist within the boundaries of time and space. He is “with” you wherever you are.
Why did Ivo choose Lisa?
According to Ivo, they chose each other.
I didn’t think spirits were male or female. Why is Ivo male?
Ivo demonstrates a masculine presence because Lisa has a feminine presence and together they bring balance.
Can Ivo predict my future?
Free will is a strong, powerful human ally. Some are steadfast in their decisions and others consistently change their minds. Your future is yours to choose.
Why should I trust what Ivo tells me?
Ivo suggests never substituting another’s truth for your own, which includes his and Lisa’s offerings. Take what you want and leave what you don’t want. You know yourself better than anyone else.
We look forward to hearing from you.
To schedule an appointment, please send us a message.